Priming the Meeting House wainscot, Sept. 2022
Dwelling interior first floor; sisters' stairs on the left, brothers' stairs on the right
Meeting House, Interior view of primed front doors
August 2022
Meeting House north door, before and after primer
Sept. 2022
Dwelling window restored
Aug. 2021
Trey's Eagle Scout landscaping project, Oct. 2017
Trey's Eagle Scout landscaping project, Oct. 2017
Trey's Eagle Scout landscaping project, Oct. 2017
Trey and his fellow Scouts, Oct. 1, 2017
Ethan's Eagle Scout fence project, Sept. 1, 2019
Ethan's Eagle Scout fence project, Sept. 1, 2019
Burying propane tank between Meeting House and Dwelling to return the site to a more original appearance.
Trenching for the new septic system.
The new mound for the septic system.
Digging and sifting of material at the rear of the Milk House. Looking for the foundation of a possible addition shown in some vintage pictures.
Excavation of the trough in the lower level of the Milkhouse. Found two layers of concrete. One probably Hodapp, the other (lower) Shaker.
Volunteers hard at work.
Milk House excavation day, July 28, 2018
View down the well in front of the Milk House.
Rebuilding dwelling chimney hit by lightning years prior using bricks excavated from Sisters' Shop site, Summer 2017
Removing Hodapp era rear dwelling concrete porch/steps, Aug. 2018
Original Meeting House wood box comes back to the village
Restaining restroom building, Aug. 2020
Western Shaker Singers
Dec. 2018
2019 December Meeting House Anniversary Event
George Amery's 1878 Journal and handwritten hymnal
Dwelling window, Aug. 2021
Scott painting in the Meeting House, Aug. 2022
1827 Meeting House in Spring
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